Hello! everyone I'm new here on blog and like to share some knowledge about making your own flowchart with codes. Other's think learning flowchart is not needed as long as you are skilled in programming but its wrong. before you code you must start with a plan a blueprint before doing some work; or else your doing a lot of trials and errors. Therefore I came up of an idea of sharing my knowledge on developing flowchart using this blog as a instrument. Studying flowchart is not really hard as long as you memorize the uses of every shape below and when they use.
Grading System Flowchart |
Grading system source code (C++).
#include<iostream> #include<conio.h> using namespace std; int a,b,c,d,total=0; main(){ cout<<"Prelim: "; cin>>a; cout<<"Midterm: "; cin>>b; cout<<"Pre Final: "; cin>>c; cout<<"Final: "; cin>>d; a = a*.20; b = b*.20; c = c*.20; d = d*.40; total = a+b+c+d; cout<<"Total Grade: "<<total<<endl; if(total>95){ cout<<"Outstanding!!!"; } else if(total>90){ cout<<"Exellent!!"; } else if(total>85){ cout<<"Very Satisfying!"; } else if(total>80){ cout<<"Satisfying"; } else if(total>75){ cout<<"Good"; } else{ cout<<"Needs Improvement ASAP"; } getch(); return 0; }
Terminator |
Terminator with Arrow |
You must be wary about the arrow thing between two terminator. It's called "Arrows" it determined the flow of your flowchart, which means arrows decide the path or every step by step of your chart. Arrows is like a direction sign, Think; if your just new in some places and you don't know here and there, you will absolutely asking somebody or specially finding a directional sign or map, That is the main use of arrow to make sure you'll not get lost, in the making the process of your flowchart. I'll guide you how arrows must used.
Correct used of arrows |
As you may see in the image of arrows should used that must not have a collide with other arrows, or it cause of confusion to whom ever read your flowchart. Think; if you're driving in unfamiliar road and looking for sign to guide you. You found two sign which is both telling you "Go here to get there" surely you'll be confused right. But you may said that it cant be avoided right if your going to make looping program. But it is; it can be avoided using a "On-page Connector" shape.
On-page Connector |
Now you see an on-page connector. but how it used? simple, an on-page connector is connecting the process of your flowchart inside a single page, form etc...Think; if you plan to go to some place and saw a trees blocking the road, of-course you'll looking for an alternative road way. That is the use of on-page connector to be like an alternative road way.
Correct used of On-page Connector |
In the example you may think about it correctly connect a process within a single page,form etc... Now your already guided on how to begin and end a flowchart, you already know to connect process without a collision between arrows, now lets add the things that will be processed in the flowchart. After we set our terminator we should follow up a shape that will act as declaration of variables or object in the process, that is "Preparation" shape.
Sample of terminator and preparation |
Sample of Data |
Data is used to perform both output and input of any information to process, as you may see in image A the data is enclosed with "" that means the data is just a simple text or just an output or string, but the image B has none means its an input or name of anything you want to enter to process, as you see on the image above. Think; if you plan to use all ingredients, but not all of them is the same of how we have to add them to our cooking pot, No one try to cook vegetable and meat at the sometime. Now we are about to do some math operation to our input like MDAS or PEMDAS to do that we need the "Process" shape.
Process |
The Process does not only work for math it can be used also for strings and anything that affect our inputs and all data that stored, as you see in the image above. Process is rectangular shape responsible not only to do arithmetic operation but to do most of all kind of process in your flowchart. Think; if you are reading a cooking book how do you know of how you cook your ingredient. That is the Process do. We are now already done mostly, Now what is the reason of flowchart that has made too long imagine it was on msword. and it should be on a single page. The last shape that I'll teach is the "Condition" shape.
Decision or Condition |
But what we should place in Condition shape, it's our condition to gain our desirable output. Its kind of you planning to gain your goal, but how you gain your goal that is depend on your condition, And if you missed to meet the required ability for your goal that is the alternative; the goal that I stated is your desirable output, how you gain your goal is your condition, and if you fail to meet the goal is the alternative. Now you already has a knowledge through the most popular and basic flowchart that most state university teach first sometimes not. Well as you can see flowchart is very simple the only thing that really concern to whom ever making it, is that the flow of the entire process is crystal clear to whom ever making a flowchart. One thing for sure is you already know how to make a flowchart of a very simple process.
Why Learning Flowchart important?
One of the best asset you can show or tell to your employer is not just your programming skills. But your knowledge in software development by doing an excellent planning. To do that you must be knowledgeable in creating a flowchart, their some interview asking you to do a flowchart of a system that they dictate to you. As you may know people working in high positions in tech company's are all knowledgeable in flowchart. Like if you plan to become not just any programmer out their, but highly skilled professional in tech industry. That can perform project management which is very useful for company's with a lot of work loads, but not just simple projects but a high budget projects like making a super system will most of a time.
Why most student don't intent to learn Flowchart?
As in my place I thought just having a very good skills in programming made you do developing system much easily, then suddenly three of my programming professors in different subjects asking us to lots of developing assignments and programming projects simultaneously. I hype because I considered it as a challenge then after few weeks, I feel getting tired doing a lot of trials and errors for most of a time in programming. Like done a wrong flow of our system, bad design, bad user interface, sometimes I even forgetting what is most important feature that must be in the system, and developing it all is taking a lot of my time because of lack of planning. for other's they don't learn flowchart because they consider programming learning is much difficult, that they don't have an extra time to learn other things. Some has knowledge in flowchart but don't perform in developing thinking that programming must be start first before doing flowchart means that finishing work before planning.
Now you must be aware of setting a plan on a system you plan to develop, you should also consider other peoples opinion on the development. Like people who not that knowledgeable in programming or does't have any programming knowledge, consider this people as the future users of your system showing them your work and letting this people to use it, and ask feedback after they try your developing project. Having a fast feedback while developing your project is better than doing or adding things that are not needed in your system.
Problem 2:
ReplyDeleteDesign an algorithm and a flowchart that will examine the value of the temperature. Then
display the following messages depending on the value assigned to temp.
Temperature Message
Less than 0 ICE
Between 0 and 100 WATER
Exceeds 100 STEAM
1. Define the variables. (Let temp be variable for the temperature)
2. Initialize the variables to be used.
3. Input the value of temp.
4. Test if the value of temp is less than 0, between 0 and 100, or exceeds 100.
5. If the temp is less than zero, print "ICE," and if the number is greater than or equal to zero
and less than or equal to 100, print "WATER". Else the number is greater than 100, print
Algorithm and flowcharts
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