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About Codes Chart

Codes Chart

Is a blog which the main goal is to share project ideas that most programming students where lacking. Codes chart is not develop just to teach about flowcharts, or just share some programming codes. The purpose of this blog it help not just programming student but also those who are not in the field of programming. Why because every can code everyone can do programming due to their needs. Like Teachers creating a grading system in excel, or statistician for statistics, or accountant even businessman will do. As our world going to develop so fast and that is what codes chart is to help others to learn and explore programming even they are not on the same field.

Is to create a basis off every programming in-spiry to help them understand the flow of every programs or system. In programming world their is a lot of systems like grading system, ordering system, ticketing system, etc... Codes chart is meant not just for programming students but also for those, who are not into programming course but they had to do simple coding task to do their works. Like for example is teachers for their

Codes Chart Mission

To be one of the stronghold of learning fundamentals and reference for student and all inspiring programmer someday.

Codes Chart Vision 

To develop everyone's programming skill and fully standards every systems from being a MVP to a Larger Project Systems. To nurture young minds in programming and developing things that they didn't know they could.

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