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Tuesday, February 7, 2017

CRUD System Flowchart

As one of the most popular database system where most of all using crud to their system. Which is why all beginners should have a little knowledge in crud, specially when you are trying make a flowchart for your users action in user interface. If you are going to start learning about database system crud is your starting step, by understanding its process will guide you a lot to understand your system better. crud stands for create, retrieve, update and delete where any database system use to their programs or system.

CRUD System Flowchart
CRUD System Flowchart
CRUD stands for all main capabilities of all database system, because database is all about creating, searching or retrieving, updating and deleting records that was stored in all database. Which means to fully understand the entire development all kind of system like Payroll, Bulletin, Inventory, Point of sales each and every system that suppose to use a database are all using crud. But what is the benefit of learning a simple crud to start the development of my program. Its easy because all program software needs commands for users to interact to your program to do task he needs to. Also you need to be aware of how to use a "Database" shape to make a crud flowchart, its the cylinder like shape you see on the example above with "dbRecords" inside of it.  

As I said from the first 'C' in crud stands for creating. But what is your about to create? Its records your about to add or information to your program so the database will store it. What are the things that you can store or add? Its compose of most typically names, age, address, year, price etc. You can add anything even images or videos to your database as long as it needed. Lets consider the create command of crud is the start of everything you like to do for your system. Because without it you can't do or perform other commands without adding any records or information to your database.

The 'R' which stands for retrieve which is use mostly for searching like your going to search a typical name in a list of names. We can also said that retrieve is the first that function in a program once the database we use is already populated. We can make an example of it is websites of social medias. When you login to a social media using your username and password, that is where the retrieve start to function because its searching the user with the same username and password that match in the database. That is how you login for most social media through searching of your own account validity.  

And 'U' which stands for update which is use to updating records or information. As most of all beginners lots of them getting confuse of the difference between create and update, which is somehow a very same alike commands were you used to save records. The difference is create is about adding new record or information to the database to make it populated, were the update is about updating or saving a record that is already there but being edited. Which means updating is used just to make changes of records or information that are already stored, like if you misspelled a name or you had entered an address wrongly.

Last is 'D' which stands for delete which is use to deleting records or information that doesn't needed or must be gone. Some of it is once a transaction is cancelled of course your going to erase information that declaring that you have to deliver an item to a customer, which cancelled his transaction to you, why because you no longer need it to stored it to your database, or also you like to delete your post which has a bad impression in a forum, or a pictures or videos that you don't like to be in your profile. If create is use to populate the database, delete is use to depopulate the database you can save more space that you needed for much better information or records.  

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  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. and "R" stands for READ... not Retrieve
