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Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Ordering System with Simple Database

Ordering system with simple database is a good practice as where most beginners will try to find the most easiest system that will not take a lot of time in development. One of the simplest form of database system is ordering where the user acts as a cashier. Also as we think about ordering system or cashiering system, what will think is about fast foods computerize applications which setting your order to their databases. Cashiering and ordering system is very alike but that is not the topic, what I gonna tell here is the knowledge to make an ordering system for those who don't have yet any kind of idea of how it works. 

Ordering System
Sample Ordering System with names and captions (Form1)
What you see in above image is Form1 of my ordering system I made it simple and easy to understand. As you may see I used tabs with different buttons inside and each buttons has a command where every time it was press it triggers that a transaction has being started. Each buttons inside the tab area will produce product names in the listbox it name as List1 as you may see on above image. Everytime you press each buttons inside a tab area it also show a product value or price in the textbox name as txtPrice as you may see on above image. You may also track the total value or price of all item sellected or pressed in the textbox name as txttotal as you may see in above image. I made this ordering system or cashiering seemingly alike to those we can see in most fast foods chain giants that we almost went a lot.

As most ordering system I added an area where you can place the customers money on hand or the money that his going to give you as a payment. You will also find a textbox where you can see the total change that you'll give back to the customer as if he pay you more than enough. Also a textbox that will show the date today you need as much information to be stored in the database so you're not going to lose track of your earnings. Because the main process of every ordering systems or cashiering systems is about calculating each amount of money of our costumer and make a difference with all the products he choose to buy.

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

CRUD System Flowchart

As one of the most popular database system where most of all using crud to their system. Which is why all beginners should have a little knowledge in crud, specially when you are trying make a flowchart for your users action in user interface. If you are going to start learning about database system crud is your starting step, by understanding its process will guide you a lot to understand your system better. crud stands for create, retrieve, update and delete where any database system use to their programs or system.

CRUD System Flowchart
CRUD System Flowchart
CRUD stands for all main capabilities of all database system, because database is all about creating, searching or retrieving, updating and deleting records that was stored in all database. Which means to fully understand the entire development all kind of system like Payroll, Bulletin, Inventory, Point of sales each and every system that suppose to use a database are all using crud. But what is the benefit of learning a simple crud to start the development of my program. Its easy because all program software needs commands for users to interact to your program to do task he needs to. Also you need to be aware of how to use a "Database" shape to make a crud flowchart, its the cylinder like shape you see on the example above with "dbRecords" inside of it.